In the course of producing the solution to the Office 97 ODBC Driver Vulnerability, Microsoft testing became aware of a separate vulnerability in the ODBC database driver that may affect Office 2000 users. This vulnerability is related to the IISAM component of the ODBC database driver and could be exploited by using an Excel 2000 query to perform malicious acts similar to those described in Office 97 ODBC Driver Vulnerability. Microsoft has produced a solution to this specific vulnerability and incorporated it into the Office 2000 ODBC Driver Vulnerability Security Update.
This article describes how to download and install this update.
NOTE: It is not necessary to install this update on Windows 2000.
NOTE: Microsoft released an updated version of the Office 97 ODBC Driver Vulnerability Security Update on October 11, 1999. The new update fixes an additional variant of the Text ISAM vulnerability.
For additional information about the Office 97 ODBC Driver Vulnerability, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
OFF97: Office 97 ODBC Driver Vulnerability Security Update