First Aid 97 is a utility package designed for use with Microsoft
Windows 95. It provides such functionalities as the ability to give your
computer a "physical", prevent general protection faults and invalid page
faults, and other functionality.
As of April 1997, there are four builds (versions) of First Aid 97: 400,
401, 402, and 403. To determine which build of First Aid 97 you have, follow these steps:
1. | Insert the First Aid 97 compact disc (CD) into the CD-ROM drive on your computer.
2. | When the CyberMedia First Aid 97 Setup dialog box appears, click Explore this CD.
3. | On the View menu in Windows Explorer, click Details.
4. | Locate the Setup.exe file. Look at the date and time in the Modified
The time in the Modified column tells you which build of First Aid 97 your
CD contains. The times and their associated build numbers are listed in the
following table.
Time Build
4:00 AM 400
4:01 AM 401
4:02 AM 402
4:03 AM 403
If the build is 400, and you have not obtained any updates from CyberMedia,
obtain an update from CyberMedia by using either of the methods in the
"Workaround" section of this article.
The third-party products that are discussed in this article are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the performance or reliability of these products.