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How to use FrontPage components on ASP pages

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This article was previously published under Q230712

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This article describes how to use FrontPage components, which reference the Shtml.dll file, on ASP pages.

NOTE: You may receive the following error when submitting a search or submitting from a form:
Cannot run the FrontPage Server Extensions' Smart HTML interpreter on this non-HTML page: "http://servername/subweb/default.asp"

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More information

This functionality has been disabled for all versions of the Server Extensions after version because it is a very specific security threat.

For additional information, see the following article or articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
182125� FP98: Browsing to ASP Files Through Shtml.dll Displays ASP Code
You can use a server-side include to enable this by performing the following steps:

  1. Create a .html page with the FrontPage component that you want to use on it.
  2. Save the page.
  3. In FrontPage, right-click your .asp page and click Open With.
  4. Highlight Notepad and click OK.
  5. Insert the following code on the page where you want the component to appear:

    <!--#include virtual="/path/filename.htm"-->

    Where path is the path to the .html file with the component and filename.htm is the file you created with the component on it.

    Note: This code must be in the body of the page.
  6. Save the .asp page.
Now when you browse to the .asp page, the .html file will be included dynamically and the component will function properly.

You will notice when you submit a form from this type of arrangement that the link on the confirmation page linking back to the form does not display the original .asp page. This is because the form is actually being submitted from the .html page containing the component. As a workaround for this, you can use a custom confirmation page. On the custom confirmation page, you can make a hyperlink back to the original .asp page.

If you are using a search component, the results page will not include the contents of the original .asp page for the same reason as above.

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Keywords: KB230712, kbinfo, kbasp

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Article Info
Article ID : 230712
Revision : 3
Created on : 2/19/2007
Published on : 2/19/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 411