Procedure to Migrate Users
- Create mailboxes and profiles on the destination server for the
recipients you are moving.
- Verify that your workstation is logged on using an account with at
least Administrator permissions at the Site, Organization, and
Configuration levels in the Exchange Administrator program.
- Create a profile on the workstation that can be modified by the Mailbox
Migration tool.
- On the Start menu, click Run.
- Click Browser to locate the Migrate.exe file and double-click the
file name.
- In the Control File box, type the path name and file name of the
recipient's list file (.csv file) that contains the recipient's name
and server. This is the structure of the recipient's file:
<Display Name>,<Alias Name>,<Pilot Server Name>,<Production Server
An example:
Mary Smith,MarySm,GW-PILOT1,GW-PROD1
The file can contain any number of recipients and any combination of
servers. - Click Start.
When the file is found, the Mailbox Migration tool begins processing the
first recipient in the file.
For each recipient in the .csv file, the Mailbox Migration tool performs
the following functions:
- Modifies the migration profile so it can open your mailbox and create a
new .pst file on the workstation, and then logs on to this profile.
- Copies all the messages and all subfolder trees in the mailbox Inbox
folder to the .pst Inbox folder.
- Copies all the messages in the mailbox Sent Items folder to the .pst
Sent Items folder. You can ignore any subfolders, unless it is easier to
copy everything.
- Copies all the other folders, subfolders, and messages that you have
created from the mailbox to the .pst file. Note that Custom Views,
Filters, Rules, and Permissions are not copied.
- Logs off the profile.
- Copies the folders and messages from the .pst to your mailbox on the
production server. Note that the Inbox of the new server is checked.
If there are any messages in this folder, the mailbox is not migrated
and an error message is generated. The Inbox is always the first folder
- Deletes the .pst file.
- If you click Stop, the Mailbox Migration tool continues to process the
current mailbox and then stops processing after the mailbox has been
migrated, or after the mailbox migration attempt fails because of
- Any errors that are generated in the process are written to an error
log. This error log is specified through the Mailbox Migration user
- When all mailboxes in the recipient list have been migrated, a message
appears stating that the system has completed the migration.
The .csv file will look similar to this at the completion of the process:
SUCCESS,John Doe,JohnD,GW-PILOT1,GW-PROD1,Migrated No
Errors,5/10/96 10:05:00
FAILURE,Mary Smith,MarySm,GW-PILOT1,GW-PROD1,Error Copying
Messages,5/10/96 10:09:10
If the Migration Mailbox tool fails for any reason, you can restart the
tool from the same point by using the same recipient list. Each successful
migration causes the entry to be deleted, therefore no duplication will
To migrate single users or groups of users that were not migrated because
of errors, you can create recipient list files (.csv) and run the Mailbox
Migration tool again.
The purpose of the tool is to make a complete copy of the mailbox content
from one server to another when these servers are in different sites and/or
organizations. The utility does not assume that there is direct network
connectivity between any two servers and its basic mechanism is to create a
personal folder file (.pst) which contains the structure and messages of
the mailbox to be copied. In addition, this tool is used to re-create rules
and directory information.
The Exchange Administrator Move Mailbox command allows you to move a
mailbox only between servers within the same site, whereas the Mailbox
Migration tool allows you to move mailboxes between sites and between
recipient containers.
For more information about using the Exchange Mailbox Migration tool, refer
to the Microsoft Exchange Tools Help file (Exchtool.hlp), included with the
Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit Part 2.