In Microsoft Excel, you can apply a password to a workbook by following these steps:
- Open or switch to the workbook.
- On the File menu, click Save As, and then click General Options in the Tools list box.
- In the Save Options dialog box, specify a password in the Password to open box or the Password to modify box. Click OK.
- Confirm each password by retyping it and clicking OK.
- Click Save to save the workbook with the password or passwords.
If you apply a
Password to open setting to a workbook, you cannot open the workbook without providing the password. If you apply a
Password to modify setting to a workbook, you cannot save changes to the workbook without providing the password. If you do not know the password, you can still save the workbook by using a different file name.
To protect a workbook in Microsoft Excel, follow these steps:
- Open or switch to the workbook.
- On the Tools menu, point to Protection, and then click Protect Workbook.
- Type a password in the Password box and click OK. If you are prompted, retype the password and click OK again.
Protecting a workbook in this way does not prevent other users from opening
the workbook or from saving it with its original file name. However, it
does prevent other users from changing the structure of the workbook or
from moving its window on the screen unless they know the password.