Mail flow may be slow and seemingly sporadic over X.400 connectors through
a Raptor Firewall (version 5.x or greater). Messages may accumulate on the
Message Transfer Agent (MTA) on the Exchange Server computer that is
outside the Raptor firewall. However, the external Exchange Server
computer's queued up messages are delivered after the internal Exchange
Server computer contacts the external Exchange Server computer to deliver a
mail message.
The external Exchange Server computer attempts to initiate the connection
with the internal Exchange Server computer, then typically fails. Failure
of the attempted connection, results in one or more of the following
events being logged in the Windows NT Application Event log:
MSExchangeMTA Event ID: 1290
Type: Warning
Category: X.400 Service
A locally initiated association to
/CN=ConnectorName was refused. The failure reason provider was 0 and the
reason was 0. Control block index 202. Type 1. [PLATFORM KERNEL 20 130]
MSExchangeMTA Event ID: 289
Type: Warning
Category: X.400 Service
A connection to /O=OrganizationName/OU=SiteName/CN=Configuration
/CN=Connections/CN=ConnectorName could not be opened. [MTA XFER-IN 17
26] (12)
MSExchangeMTA Event ID: 1294
Type: Warning
Category: X.400 Service
An association with entity
/CN=Connections/CN=ConnectorName ended abnormally. [198 1 0 1 PLATFORM
KERNEL 20 130] (10)
The internal Exchange Server computer will log the following Event:
MSExchangeMTA Event ID: 1293
Type: Warning
Category: X.400 Service
A remotely-initiated association from
/CN=ConnectorName was refused. The failure reason provider is 0 and the
reason is 0. Control block index 1. Type 1. [PLATFORM KERNEL 26 128]