To work around this problem, the *.CHK file can be moved to another drive
manually. To do this, perform the following steps:
- Start the Exchange Server Administrator program and retrieve the
properties of the server object. To get to the server object in the
Exchange Server Administrator program, click Organization, click Site,
click Configuration, click Servers, click <server>, and then on the File
menu, click Properties.
- Click the 'Database Paths' tab.
- To modify the location of the Edb.chk file for the information store,
select the 'Information Store Working Path,' and then click Modify.
Using the interface, select the drive letter and folder that the new
Edb.chk file will be created in, and then click OK. To change location
of the Edb.chk file for the directory, follow the above, but select the
'Directory Working Path'.
- Click Apply. This will stop and start the relative services creating
the new Edb.chk on the appropriate drive.