The Linkage Directory Exchange Manager version 3.2 may access violate when
the NAMEM macro is used in a mapping rule. If Windows NT and Linkage 3.2
symbols are installed and functioning correctly, the resulting stack frame
will look similar to the following:
FramePtr RetAddr Param1 Param2 Param3 Function Name
0012b7ac 10004776 0012d43c 0012f078 0012b854 LSMMDAPI!fnNameM+0x185
0012b820 10004064 0012d43c 0012f078 00000001
0012dc40 100038ec 0012f900 0012f078 0012e478
0012f888 100036ab 006b8752 0012f900 006bb7af
0012f8bc 1000348b 006b8752 0012f900 006bb7af
0012f914 1000325d 006a342f 006b86c7 006bb7af LSMMDAPI!mapOneAttr+0x10e
0012f950 10002b57 006bb7af 00000000 006b7b07 LSMMDAPI!mapAttributes+0x13d
0012f98c 10001fc3 006bb7af 00000007 00000010 LSMMDAPI!mapTransaction+0xb4
0012f9b0 100014b7 006bb7af 00000007 00000010 LSMMDAPI!DXMMapUpdate+0x47
0012f9ec 0040650b 006bb7af 00000000 00000010 LSMMDAPI!MMDWrite+0x153
0012faa8 004053e2 00000003 0012fca4 0012fbf8
0012fc74 00404c9f 006ba24f 006ba76f 0012fca4 LSDXM!processMessage+0x6c2
0012fd14 00404891 006ba24f 006ba76f 0012fd48 LSDXM!processItem+0x105
0012fe70 0040457b 00000010 00b53578 00b53450
0012fe90 00403926 00000010 00b53578 00b53450
0012fec0 00266d12 00b53578 0012ff44 00020005 LSDXM!process+0x183
0012fee4 00401f75 00b53578 00020005 00000000
0012ff44 00401065 00020005 00000000 7ffdf000 LSDXM!runApp+0x7bf(...)
0012ff64 0040a1e3 00000004 00b51d58 00b50d70 LSDXM!main+0x35
0012ffc0 77f1b304 00020005 00000000 7ffdf000
0012fff0 00000000 0040a0d0 00000000 00000000
Entries in the Linkage event log file will look similar to the following
(Note: This is starting with a Full Reload request from the DXM to the
Exchange Agent):
1998/02/03 07:37:55- DXM(01a2) 3 62501:Starting DX work
item 327 for agent LINKAGE(DXAMEX): RequestDXAUpdates Full
>> dxmpo(417)
1998/02/03 07:37:55- DXM(01a2) 3 60277:Opening the MIF
read queue
>> mif(362)
1998/02/03 07:37:55- DXM(01a2) 3 60277:Opening the MIF
write queue
>> mif(362)
*********************SOME ENTRIES REMOVED*********************************
>> pcta(4048)
1998/02/03 07:38:21- DXAMEX(00a9) 4 67130:Completed
Outbound processing cycle
>> msxdxapo(677)
1998/02/03 07:38:21- DXAMEX(00a9) 4 04107:Queue DXAMEX.IN
has been opened (physical location is q\DXAMEX.IN)
>> qm(1884)
1998/02/03 07:38:21- DXAMEX(00a9) 4 04108:Queue DXAMEX.IN
has been closed
>> qm(2003)
1998/02/03 07:38:21- DXAMEX(00a9) 2 67037:Completed
Inbound Processing
>> msxdxapi(364)
1998/02/03 07:38:25- DXM(01a2) 3 60277:Opening the MIF
read queue
>> mif(362)
1998/02/03 07:38:25- DXM(01a2) 3 60277:Opening the MIF
write queue
>> mif(362)
1998/02/03 07:38:25- DXM(01a2) 3 62309:Begin Inbound
>> dxmpi(572)
1998/02/03 07:38:25- DXM(01a2) 4 04107:Queue has
been opened (physical location is q\
>> qm(1884)
1998/02/03 07:38:25- DXM(01a2) 4 04113:Queue item
q\\50000017.rdy has been opened in queue
>> qm(3480)
1998/02/03 07:38:25- DXM(01a2) 4 60331:Closing MIF file
'c:\linkage\q\archive\a41296e2.mif', type 'read'
>> mif(1048)
1998/02/03 07:38:25- DXM(01a2) 3 60335:Copying
c:\linkage\q\archive\a41296e2.mif to the MIF archive directory
>> mifppars(1000)
1998/02/03 07:38:25- DXM(01a2) 3 60248:Searching
directory c:\linkage\q\archive\ for MIF partition block files
>> mifmpb(1648)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 3 60289:Opening MIF
partition block: message type L, sequence 13, partition 1
>> mifmpb(275)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 3 60313:Complete
processing of an inbound partition
>> mifparse(3065)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 4 04114:Queue item
q\\50000017.rdy has been dequeued from queue
>> qm(3731)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 4 04108:Queue has
been closed
>> qm(2003)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 4 04107:Queue has
been opened (physical location is q\
>> qm(1884)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 3 60308:Reading the next
MIF partition
>> mifparse(925)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 3 62321: This is a MIF
Update message
>> dxmpi(798)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 3 62314: MIF Header
Information :
>> dxmpi(2309)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 3 62315: > Sender:
>> dxmpi(2310)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 3 62316: > Recipient:
>> dxmpi(2313)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 3 62312: > Sequence
Number: 13: 1998/2/3 7:37:56.13
>> dxmpi(2317)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 3 62325: > 5
transaction(s) in this message
>> dxmpi(2328)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 3 60316:Create an
acknowledgement for agent 1, sequence 13, partition 1
>> mifpbld(476)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 3 60330:New
acknowledgement is being created for agent 1
>> mifbuild(217)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 4 04107:Queue
has been opened (physical location is q\
>> qm(1884)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 3 60326:Creating a new
partition in the queue c:\linkage\q\archive\
>> mifbuild(591)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 3 60284:Writing header
with sequence 13, part 1
>> mifbuild(1006)
1998/02/03 07:38:26- DXM(01a2) 3 60248:Searching
directory c:\linkage\q\archive\ for MIF partition block files
>> mifmpb(1648)
1998/02/03 07:38:54- LDE(018e) 4 10153:Subtask
DXM(lsdxm.exe) has ended with return code 0
In the Linkage Administrator Process Manager window, the Directory Exchange
Manager (DXM) process will be halted (red stop sign).