Tracking logs are located in \Exchsrvr\Tracking.log. Each daily log is
named by the date it was created (yyyymmdd.log format). The filename date,
like all times in the tracking log, is in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The
following table defines the fields in the tracking logs:
Field # Field Name Description
======= ========== ===========
1 Message ID or MTS-ID Message ID is a unique
identifier assigned to the
message by Microsoft Exchange
Server. It stays with the message
from its origination to delivery
or transfer from the network.
Messages from foreign systems
include a message transfer
system-ID (MTS-ID) that
uniquely identifies the
message transfer component
that transported the message.
2 Event Number Represents the event type.
3 Date/Time Date and time of the event in
4 Gateway Name Name of the gateway or the
connector that generated the
event. If no gateway was
involved, the field is blank.
5 Partner Name Name of the messaging service
associated with the event.
In Microsoft Exchange Server,
the partner is the MTA or the
information store.
6 Remote ID The message ID used by the
7 Originator Distinguished name of the
originating mailbox, if known.
8 Priority Priority set by the sender.
0 = Normal
1 = High
-1 = Low
9 Length Message length in bytes.
10 Seconds Transport time in seconds.
Not used by Microsoft Exchange
Server. The value in this
field is 0 or blank.
11 Cost Cost per second for message
Not used by Microsoft Exchange
Server. The value in this
field is always 1.
12 Subject-ID or Report MTS-ID This field is blank (empty) for
normal messages. For reports its
value is the Report MTS-ID.
13 Recipients Numbers of recipients.
14 Recipient Name Distinguished name of the
recipient of the message or
a proxy address.
This field is separated from
the previous field by a linefeed.
The field is repeated for each
15 Recipient Report Status A number representing the
result of an attempt to
deliver a report to the
Delivered = 0
Not delivered = 1
This is used only for reports.
On other events, it will be
blank. This field is repeated
for each recipient.
This information can also be found in the
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide on pages 138 and 139.