When you attempt to use Message Tracking to track messages sent out over
the Internet Mail Connector (IMC) in Exchange Server 4.0 or the Internet Mail
Service in Exchange Server 5.0 and later, no tracking information can be found.
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This problem can occur if you use the Standard Edition of
Exchange Server.
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To enable Message Tracking for outbound IMC or Internet Mail Service messages if you use the
Standard Edition of Exchange Server, you must install the
Microsoft Exchange Connector (Site Connector) component. When you do this,
the message transfer agent (MTA) object is exposed in the specific
Server's container, and you can enable Message Tracking on the MTA's
general property page in the Exchange Server Administrator program.
This allows you to track inbound and outbound messages over the IMC
and Internet Mail Service.
NOTE: You do not need to actually create a site connector after you install the Connector Pack. When you install the connector, you enable message tracking on the IMC or Internet Mail Service.
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