To set up Microsoft Exchange View-Only Administrators, follow these steps:
- Determine which domain users will have View-Only rights. Anyone in
the Domain Users group is eligible. Permissions belonging to Domain
Administrators are not needed.
NOTE: If you want a user to run the Microsoft Exchange
Administrator program at the Microsoft Exchange Server computer itself,
you need to assign the "Log on locally" Windows NT user right. This user
right is not granted by default to the Domains Users group.
- Log on as an Administrator and run the Microsoft Exchange
Administrator program.
- Make sure the Permissions tab is visible for all objects. To do this:
- From the Tools menu, click Options.
- Click the Permissions tab.
- Check the "Show Permissions page for all objects" and "Display
rights for roles on Permissions page" options.
- Click OK.
- From the Microsoft Exchange Administrator program, click the site where
you want to set up the View-Only Administrator, and then select
Properties from the File menu.
- Click the Add button in the Permissions tab.
- In the Add Users and Groups window, add the user(s) you want to
have View-Only Administrative permissions. Then click OK to return to
the Site Properties window.
NOTE: Any regular user with a valid Windows NT account can be
selected. You do not need to select a user account with Exchange
Administrative permissions.
- In the "Windows NT accounts with permissions" dialog box, select the
user(s) you added in the previous step and click "View Only Admin" in
the Roles dropdown list. If "View Only Admin" Does not appear in the
list, unmark all checked boxes except the "Logon Rights" in the Rights
box. The Roles option should read "View Only Admin" now.
- Click OK to close the Site Properties window.
The selected Microsoft Exchange users can now run the Microsoft
Exchange Administrator program and perform monitoring tasks, such as
watching Link or Server Monitor Status. These users will not be able to
add, delete, or modify any object in the Microsoft Exchange organization.