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XADM: ExportObject in Command-Line Export Options File Only

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If a command-line Export is performed using an options file, the ExportObject setting in the [Export] section can only be listed once and it will only accept a single parameter: Mailbox, All, DL, Remote (in other words, custom recipients), or Recipients.

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More information

A Microsoft Exchange Directory Export can be accomplished by one of two methods:
  • The Directory Export feature of the Microsoft Exchange Administrator program.

  • A combination of command-line options available with Admin.exe:
    ADMIN /E file.csv /o options.ini.
If the first method is used, the administrator can choose to export any combination of mailboxes, distribution lists, or custom recipients to a CSV file. However, other directory objects cannot be exported with this method.

If the command-line options are used, mailboxes are exported by default. However, an ExportObject setting may be added to the [Export] section, and the following parameters are available:

The ExportObject setting can only appear once in the options file and it can only contain one of the parameters. In other words, if you try to export all of your Distribution Lists and Mailboxes by specifying "ExportObject=DL,mailbox", only the Distribution Lists would be exported to the CSV file. Likewise, if the ExportObject setting was specified twice in the file, first with "ExportObject=mailbox" and then with "ExportObject=DL", only the mailboxes would be exported to the CSV file.

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Retired KB Content Disclaimer
This article was written about products for which Microsoft no longer offers support. Therefore, this article is offered "as is" and will no longer be updated.

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Keywords: KB152300, kbusage, kbprb

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Article Info
Article ID : 152300
Revision : 6
Created on : 10/28/2006
Published on : 10/28/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 464