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XADM: Auto Prefixing of Messages Sent Out the IMC

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This article describes how to turn on and off the automatic prefixing of reply and forward messages sent out the Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Connector (IMC).

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The IMC has the ability to apply Internet style quoting to reply and forward text by inserting a greater-than sign (>) before each line of the reply or forward text in messages sent out over the IMC. This allows the recipient of the message to easily determine which part of the received message was added to by the sender of the message.

This function is controlled by the following registry entry on the Microsoft Exchange Server computer running the IMC:

If the value of this key is 1, Automatic Prefixing is turned on. This is the default. If the value is 0 or the key is not present, prefixing is turned off.

The character used as the prefix is not configurable. It is hard coded to be '>'.

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Keywords: KB150141, kbusage, kbhowto, kbarchive, kbnosurvey

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Article Info
Article ID : 150141
Revision : 6
Created on : 9/30/2013
Published on : 9/30/2013
Exists online : False
Views : 456