Steps to Reproduce Problem
- Create a project containing a simple program that contains a single
WAIT WINDOW "This is a test"
- Build the project into an .exe and place the .exe into a directory by
- Start the Setup Wizard. In Step 1, select the directory containing the
.exe as the Distribution Tree Directory.
- In Step 2, select ODBC Drivers from "Application requires the
following." In the ODBC Drivers dialog box, clear all drivers except
Btrieve Driver (Win32S only), and click OK. Click the Next button.
- In Step 3. specify a destination directory for the disk images or
netsetup, and select either of the disk sizes or the netsetup from this
dialog box.
- In Step 4, Fill in a Caption and Copyright.
- Skip Steps 5 and 6 by clicking the Next button twice. Then click Finish.
The Progress dialog box appears, and a check appears next to the first
three items in the list. A thermometer bar appears with the caption
"Creating setup information file." An error dialog box appears with the
with the caption "Microsoft Visual FoxPro Wizards" and the message
"! Required file missing: MSJINT32.DL_."
If an additional driver is selected in the ODBC Drivers dialog box, such as
Text Driver, Microsoft Excel Driver, or FoxPro 2.x Driver, the error does
not occur.