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XADM: Logon failure During Exchange Server Installation

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This article was previously published under Q149403

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You might receive the following error message when you run the Microsoft Exchange Server Setup program:
While attempting to start the MS Exchange System Attendant service, the following error occurred:

The service did not start due to a logon failure
MS Win NT 0xc002042d

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There are two reasons why this error might occur:
  • When the Microsoft Exchange Service Account was created, the checkbox labeled User Must Change Password at Next Logon was marked. If you haven't logged into Windows NT using this account and reset the password, when the Microsoft Exchange Setup program attempts to start the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service, the service will be asked to change the account password. The service will not know how to change the password and it will fail to start.

  • An incorrect password for the Microsoft Exchange Service Account was specified.

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At this point, the Microsoft Exchange Setup program will display a dialogue prompting you to enter the correct account name and password. If you entered an incorrect password, you can simply enter the correct one in the dialogue box. If the checkbox was marked, you will need to use the Microsoft Windows NT User Manager for Domains to clear the checkbox. Then you can go back and enter the account information in the dialogue box. In either case, once the correction has been made, the Microsoft Exchange Setup program will be able continue.

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Keywords: KB149403, kbsetup, kbprb, kberrmsg

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Article Info
Article ID : 149403
Revision : 6
Created on : 10/28/2006
Published on : 10/28/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 494