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XADM: Remove All Does Not Remove Everything

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This article was previously published under Q147373

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The Remove All option of the Microsoft Exchange Server version 4.0 Setup program does not remove all the Microsoft Exchange files and directories. In particular, the directory structure appears intact and there are files left in some of the subdirectories.

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This is by design. Setup will delete all files that were installed by Setup except those that have a different time stamp, indicating that they were changed. Directory (DS) and Information Store (IS) data files are deleted so that they won't affect a new installation on the same server. Any other files that were not originally installed are not deleted. The directory tree remains intact and Microsoft Exchange settings in the registry are removed.

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Keywords: KB147373, kbsetup, kbprb, kbenv

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Article Info
Article ID : 147373
Revision : 6
Created on : 10/28/2006
Published on : 10/28/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 474