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How to Set Up Mail for PC Networks PO to Use IMC

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This article was previously published under Q147367

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This article describes how to allow a version 3.x Microsoft Mail for PC Networks postoffice (PO) connected to a Microsoft Exchange Server, with an Internet Mail Connector (IMC) installed, to send SMTP mail messages to and from the Internet with only an SMTP access component installed on the Mail for PC Networks postoffice.

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More information

If a Mail for PC Networks postoffice is connected to a Microsoft Exchange Server and is participating in Directory Synchronization (Dir-Sync) with the Exchange Messaging system, then the Mail for PC Networks postoffice only needs the SMTP access component in order to send and receive SMTP mail via the Exchange IMC. The Microsoft Mail Gateway to SMTP is not required for the Mail for PC Networks postoffice.


To configure this, install the SMTP access component on the Mail for PC Networks postoffice and enter the network and postoffice name of the Exchange Server PC Mail connector PO. If the MS Mail Connector MTA service is already running you will need to stop and restart it on the Exchange server.

Configure the Exchange Server's Mail for PC Networks Connector MTA to transfer mail to/from the postoffice.

If Directory Synchronization with the postoffice has occurred, then the Exchange server will have created SMTP address spaces for the Mail for PC Networks users. At this point, the Exchange MTA will be responsible for routing and resolving SMTP mail to and from the postoffice.

See the Exchange Administrator's Guide for more information on configuring the IMC and Microsoft Mail Connector MTA.

See the Microsoft Mail Gateway to SMTP "Administrator's Guide" for more information on installing and configuring the SMTP access component for a Microsoft Mail for PC Networks postoffice.

To obtain the SMTP gateway access component software, call Microsoft Inside sales at (800) 426-9400.

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Keywords: KB147367, kbusage

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Article Info
Article ID : 147367
Revision : 6
Created on : 10/28/2006
Published on : 10/28/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 475