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XADM: Cannot Incremental Restore Until Full Backup Is Restored

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This article was previously published under Q147121

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When you attempt an Incremental Restore of the Information Store, the following error message appears:
Unable to restore data to <Server Name>\<Directory>,
Check the application event log for more information.
The following Source NTBackup event appears:
Microsoft Exchange services returned 'The databases have not been restored to this machine. You cannot restore an incremental backup until a full backup has been restored' from a call to "RestoreRegister[]" additional data '-'.

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This problem occurs if you select the Start Services After Restore check box in the Normal (Full) Restore Property screen, and you run the Incremental Restore immediately after the Full Restore (when the services are starting).

The Incremental restore process copies the logs to the MDBData directory when the services are starting up and the original logs are being played. The process does not check if the services are currently started. Therefore, ensure that the Exchange services are stopped before running an Incremental restore of the Information Store database.

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To correct this problem:
1.Perform the Normal (Full) Information Store from the tape again.
2.Clear the Start Services After Restore check box.
3.Run the Incremental Restore of the Information Store. If this is the last incremental set to restore, select the Start Services After Restore check box.

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Keywords: KB147121, kbprb, kbenv

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Article Info
Article ID : 147121
Revision : 6
Created on : 10/28/2006
Published on : 10/28/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 469