Missing an argument for parameter when you use the Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication command

Original KB number:   982964


Consider the following scenario:

  • You run a Microsoft Office Online program that installs PowerPoint Services on a server. This server is running Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 or Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010.

  • You start the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell on the server. To do this, click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SharePoint 2010, and then click SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.

  • You enter a command at the console prompt that uses one of the following parameters for the Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication command:

    • DisableBinaryScan
    • EnableSandboxedEditing
    • EnableSandboxedViewing
    • EnableViewing97To2003Formats
    • EnableViewingOpenXmlFormats

For example, you enter the following command to enable the viewing of PowerPoint Online OpenXML-formatted documents on the server that's running PowerPoint Services:

Get-SPPowerPointServiceApplication | Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication -EnableViewingOpenXmlFormats

In this scenario, you receive an error message that resembles the following:

Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication : Missing an argument for parameter 'EnableViewingOpenXmlFormats'. Specify a parameter of type 'System.Boolean' and try again.
At line:1 char:101
+ Get-SPPowerPointServiceApplication | Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication -EnableViewingOpenXmlFormats <<<<
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingArgument,Microsoft.Office.Server.Powerpoint.SharePoint.PowerShell.SetSPPowerPointServiceApplication


This issue occurs because the parameters for the Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication command require a separate Boolean argument, such as $true or $false, for the value.


To resolve this issue, provide the required argument when you use the Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication command.

For example, type the following command to enable the viewing of PowerPoint Online OpenXML-formatted documents on the server that is running PowerPoint Services:

Get-SPPowerPointServiceApplication | Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication -EnableViewingOpenXmlFormats:$true

More information

For more information about the Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication command, see Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication.