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BizTalk Server Performance Issues

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Microsoft advisory services engagement scenario - biztalk server performance issues

Microsoft Professional Advisory Services is a support option that provides short-term, proactive, consultative support beyond break-fix product maintenance needs. This includes working with the same technician for assistance with issues like product migration, code review, or new program development and is a remote, phone-based support option. This service is typically used for shorter engagements, and is designed for developers and IT professionals who do not require the traditional onsite consulting or sustained account management services that are available from other Microsoft support options.

For additional information on Microsoft Advisory Services, including on how to engage, refer to this Microsoft web page:

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Microsoft advisory services engagement

Short description

  1. Is BizTalk performing slower when you drop a huge number of messages? Does the performance degrade during high volume
  2. Are you looking to improve the number of messages processes in a certain time?
  3. Does these messages process faster outside BizTalk(Example making direct webservice call)
  4. Large number of messages causes out of memory errors.
  5. SQL resulting into blocking and deadlocks for BizTalk processing
  6. Prolonged BizTalk throttling

Long description

  1. Are you looking to change the performance throughput.
  2. Is high memory/ high CPU/ SQL contention contributing to performance issues.
  3. Are you looking for general advice on howto creates more scalable solutions. Example: adding more host.
  4. Does your BizTalk server performance degrade when you have a burst of messages?

We cannot promise any certain numbers. However, we try to optimize the current numbers.

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Self-help resources for this scenario

Statement of Work for this Scenario

BizTalk Performance Issues. Fine tuning BizTalk to offer acceptable message processing speed.

Included with Scope
  1. Are you looking for help in fine tuning BizTalk throttling settings? Are you seeing prolonged BizTalk throttling?
  2. Are you looking to change the performance throughput?
  3. Is BizTalk server consistently slow performance?
  4. Does BizTalk server have slow performance when there is a burst of messages?
  5. Do you see high CPU/Memory and BizTalk performance degrades?
  6. Are you comparing BizTalk performance to something outside BizTalk and trying to improve BizTalk performance?
  7. Are you looking for advice on creating a more scalable solution?
  8. Is BizTalk message processing resulting into SQL blocking deadlocking as a result of which messages are not processing at the speed needed?
Out of Scope
  1. Unsupported 3rd party adapters.
  2. Troubleshooting custom solutions developed by 3rd party
  3. Unsupported platform. BizTalk 2000.
  4. Hardware related where customer is not ready to upgrade current hardware.

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Keywords: KB982896, kbproperformance, kbprodeveloper, kbprobiztalk, kbnomt, kbtshoot, kbsurveynew, kbinfo, kbproadvisory

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Article Info
Article ID : 982896
Revision : 5
Created on : 2/21/2011
Published on : 2/21/2011
Exists online : False
Views : 509