To implement this hotfix, you must have a developer license.
You do not have to have rights to the data stores unless you have to perform data repair.
RefPaymentExported2.SETRANGE("Applied Payments",FALSE);
RefPaymentExported2.SETRANGE("Vendor No.",RefPaymentExported."Vendor No.");
IF RefPaymentExported2.FINDFIRST THEN
AddElement(XMLNodeCurr,'CdtTrfTxInf','','', XMLNewChild);
RefPaymentExported2.SETRANGE("Applied Payments",FALSE);
RefPaymentExported2.SETRANGE("Vendor No.",RefPaymentExported."Vendor No.");
// Add the following new lines.
IF RemittanceInfo = RemittanceInfo::Structured THEN
RefPaymentExported2.SETFILTER("Message Type",'%1|%2',
RefPaymentExported2."Message Type"::"Reference No.",
RefPaymentExported2."Message Type"::"Tax Message")
RefPaymentExported2.SETFILTER("Message Type",'%1|%2|%3',
RefPaymentExported2."Message Type"::"Invoice Information",
RefPaymentExported2."Message Type"::Message,
RefPaymentExported2."Message Type"::"Long Message");
// The end of the new lines.
IF RefPaymentExported2.FINDFIRST THEN
AddElement(XMLNodeCurr,'CdtTrfTxInf','','', XMLNewChild);
Before you apply this codefix, you must have one of the following products installed:
In addition, you have to install CDCR (Critical Design Change Request) 35487 before you apply this codefix. To download CDCR 35487, visit the following Web site:
You cannot remove this hotfix.
You do not have to restart the computer after you apply this codefix.