To work around this problem, use the Active Directory PowerShell cmdlet "Get-ADObject" to correctly show group membership information on deleted objects when you use the Active Directory Recycle Bin feature.
For example, to correctly show group membership information on deleted objects, open a command prompt and then change to the PowerShell directory. At the command prompt, type the following commands and then press ENTER after each command:
import-module activedirectory
Get-ADObject -filter {(isDeleted -eq $true) -and (samAccountName -like "user_name")} -includeDeletedObjects -properties * | ft samAccountName,memberOf -auto -wrap
Note In this command, the
user_name placeholder is the user name of the deleted user account.
These commands accurately return the group membership information as the following:
samAccountName memberOf
-------------- --------
user_name {CN=Sales,CN=Users,DC=contoso,DC=com}