To resolve this issue, use the Dsacls.exe tool to dump the
ACL for the mailbox store distinguished name (DN), the administrative
groups DN, and the servers DN where the remote user mailbox resides. To do this, follow these steps:
- Use the Ldp.exe utility from the Windows Server 2003 Support Tools to connect and bind to a domain controller in
the remote domain.
In the console tree in tree view, expand Domain_name.
- Expand Configuration, expand Services, expand Microsoft Exchange, and then expand Organization_name.
- Expand Administrative Groups, expand Administration_group_name, expand Servers, and then expand Server_name.
- Expand InformationStore, expand Storage_group_name, and then click Mailbox Store.
- Right-click the mailbox store object, and then click Copy DN.
- Start Notepad, right-click anywhere in Notepad, and then click Paste.
- Save the Notepad file, and then exit Notepad.
- In the console tree, right-click the Administrative Groups object, and then click Copy DN.
- Start Notepad, right-click anywhere in Notepad, and then click Paste.
- Save the Notepad file, and then exit Notepad.
- In the console tree, right-click the Servers object, and then click Copy DN.
- Start Notepad, right-click anywhere in Notepad, and then click Paste.
- Save the Notepad file, and then exit Notepad.
- Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then press ENTER.
- At a command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
dsacls "DN_of_mailbox_store" > mailboxstoreACL.txt
Note For example, type the following command, and then press ENTER: dsacls "CN=Mailbox Store (server_name),CN=First Storage
Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain_name,DC=com" >
The ACL for a Greenfield Exchange Server 2003 mailbox store resembles the following ACL:
Computer Account$ - Full Control
Everyone - Read Permissions / List Contents / Read Property / List Object /
Special Access / Create Top Level Public Folder / Create Public Folder / Create
Named Properties in Information Store
Domain \ Domain Admins - Full Control
Domain \ Enterprise Admins - Full Control
NT Authority\Anonymous Logon - Read Permissions / List Contents / Read Property
/ List Object / Special Access / Create Public Folder / Created Named Properties in
Information Store
Domain\Exchange Domain Servers - Special Access / Create Child / Control Access
/ Read Permissions / List Contents / Read Property / Write Property / Special
Access for Public Information / Special Access for Personal Information / Delete
Child / List Object
Domain\Administrator - Full Control / Administer Information Store / View
Information Store Status
Domain\Exchange Services - Full Control
There are no well-known SIDs in this ACL. Compare these ACL values with the ACL values from the Exchange Server 2003 mailbox store. You may find a built-in account entry in the Exchange Server 2003 mailbox store ACL. If you do not find a built-in account entry in the Exchange Server 2003 mailbox store ACL, check the ACL of the Exchange Server 2003-based server
and the ACL of the administrative groups from the dump files.
If you find an explicit access control entry (ACE) in the Exchange Server 2003 mailbox store, you may have disabled inheritable permissions for the object. Additionally, you may have manually added the explicit access control entry. If the built-in access control entry is present at the server level or
at the administrative group level, remove the built-in access control entry from the ACL of the server and from the ACL of the administrative group.
Note Even if you resolve the permissions issue, you may still be unable to authenticate correctly when you access shared resources.
This is because store permissions are cached for up to two hours. Therefore, if you still cannot authenticate, wait for two hours, and then retry. Otherwise, stop or restart the
Information Store service on the Exchange Server 2003-based server that hosts the shared resources. This updates the store cache.