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Description of the "clean up" functionality for various modules in Microsoft Dynamics AX

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This article describes the "clean up" functionality for the following modules:
  • Accounts Receivable in Microsoft Dynamics AX
  • Accounts Payable in Microsoft Dynamics AX
  • Inventory Management in Microsoft Dynamics AX
  • Production in Microsoft Dynamics AX

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More Information

Accounts Receivable

To delete the update history for sales transactions, follow these steps:
  1. In the Accounts receivable pane, expand Periodic, expand Clean up, and then click Sales update history clean up.
  2. In the Clean up list, select one of the following options:
    • To delete update history that has a status of Executed, select Executed
    • To delete update history that has a status of Executed and erroneous, select Executed and erroneous.
  3. Click the Created until drop-down calendar.
  4. Select the date up to which you want to delete the update history.
  5. Click OK to run the delete process. Or, click the Batch tab, and then define the parameters that will be used to delete old update history records.

Accounts Payable

To delete the update history for purchase transactions, follow these steps:
  1. In the Accounts payable pane, expand Periodic, expand Clean up, and then click Purchase update history clean up.
  2. In the Clean up list, select one of the following options:
    • To delete update history that has a status of Executed, select Executed.
    • To delete update history that has a status of Executed and erroneous, select Executed and erroneous.
  3. Click the Created until drop-down calendar.
  4. Select the date up to which you want to delete the update history.
  5. Click OK to run the delete process. Or, click the Batch tab, and then define the parameters that will be used to delete old update history records.
If you delete the update history, fewer system resources are consumed when you upgrade Microsoft Dynamics AX to a later version.

Inventory Management

The "Inventory journals clean up" functionality

When you use the Inventory journals clean up functionality, all the posted inventory journals that you select are deleted by Microsoft Dynamics AX. The posted inventory journals are deleted regardless of the posting date. All the relevant records in the InventJournalTable table are deleted. All the relevant transactions in the InventJournalTrans table are also deleted.

The following example shows you how the Inventory journals clean up functionality works:
  1. Create several counting journals, and then post the counting journals on different dates.
  2. Create several movement journals, and then post the movement journals on different dates.
  3. Create several transfer journals, and then post the transfer journals on different dates.
  4. View the InventJournalTable table. A sample InventJournalTable table is shown in the "More Information" section later in this article.
  5. View the InventJournalTrans table. A sample InventJournalTrans table is shown in the "More Information" section later in this article.
  6. Set the system date to January 1, 2006.
  7. Click Inventory management, expand Periodic, expand Clean up, and then click Inventory journals clean up.
  8. In the Delete journals dialog box, click to select the Counting check box, and then click OK.
  9. View the InventJournalTable table. A sample of the cleaned up InventJournalTable table is shown in the "More Information" section later in this article.
  10. View the InventJournalTrans table. A sample of the cleaned up InventJournalTrans table is shown in the "More Information" section later in this article.
In this example, all the posted counting journal records in the InventJournalTable table are deleted by Microsoft Dynamics AX. All the posted counting journal transactions in the InventJournalTrans table are also deleted. These deleted records include the records that are posted on March 29, 2006 even though March 29, 2006 is after the system date. Therefore, if you change the system date to a date that is before the posting date of the counting journals, the counting journals are still deleted.

The "Inventory settlements clean up" functionality

The Inventory settlements clean up functionality is used to group the canceled settlement transactions and to delete the canceled settlement transactions. To use this functionality, follow these steps:
  1. In the Main menu window, click Inventory management, expand Periodic, expand Clean up, and then click Inventory settlements clean up.
  2. In the Inventory settlements clean up dialog box, select a date that is based on how old the inventory settlements must be.

    This process deletes the inventory settlements based on the selection criteria. The process groups the transactions that have the same inventory transaction ID and the same voucher number. The process also inserts the grouped transactions into the InventSettlement table until the selected date.
  3. In the Delete canceled settlements posted before field, select the date on which a canceled inventory settlement may be deleted.

    This process deletes all the canceled inventory settlements before the selected date in the InventSettlement table.


The "Production orders clean up" functionality

When you delete production orders that have the Ended status, the accounting that is related to these orders is reflected through the date that you select in the calendar on the General tab. To delete the production orders, follow these steps:
  1. In the Main menu window, click Production, expand Periodic, expand Clean up, and then click Production orders clean up.
  2. On the General tab, click the calendar button.
  3. Click the last date that you want production orders to be included for deletion.
  4. Click OK to run the delete process. Or, click the Batch tab, and then define the parameters to regularly clean up the production orders automatically.

The "Production journals clean up" functionality

After you delete old journals or unused journals, there is less demand on system resources. To delete the production journals, follow these steps:
  1. In the Main menu window, click Production, expand Periodic, expand Clean up, and then click Production journals clean up.
  2. In the Production journals clean up dialog box, click the Clean up list.
  3. Select whether you want to delete all the posted journals or only the journals that are posted on finished production orders.
  4. Click OK to run the delete process. Or, select the Batch tab, and then define the parameters to regularly control the deletion of old production orders.
The "clean up" functionality can be run as part of the regular maintenance process. The old data that may slow down system performance can be deleted. However, there may be risks if you delete the data permanently. Therefore, before you run these functions, we recommend that you make a backup of the journals and of the settlement data.

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More Information

Before you use the
Inventory journals clean up
functionality, the InventJournalTable table resembles the following table.
Journal identifierDescriptionPostedJournal typePosting date
IJ-000003Inventory Counting JournalYesCounting11/26/2005
IJ-000004Inventory Counting JournalYesCounting11/26/2005
IJ-000006Inventory Counting JournalYesCounting12/5/2005
IJ-000007Inventory Counting JournalYesCounting12/5/2005
IJ-000008Inventory Counting JournalYesCounting12/5/2005
IJ-000009Inventory Counting JournalYesCounting12/6/2005
IJ-000010Inventory Counting JournalYesCounting12/7/2005
IJ-000013Inventory Counting JournalYesCounting3/29/2006
000001_061Inventory Movement JournalYesMovement2/9/2006
IJ-000011Inventory Transfer JournalYesTransfer2/9/2006
IJ-000012Inventory Transfer JournalYesTransfer2/9/2006
Before you use the
Inventory journals clean up
functionality, the InventJournalTrans table resembles the following table.
Journal identifierTransaction dateVoucherJournal type
After you use the
Inventory journals clean up
functionality, the InventJournalTable table resembles the following table.
Journal identifierDescriptionPostedJournal typePosting date
000001_061Inventory Movement JournalYesMovement2/9/2006
IJ-000011Inventory Transfer JournalYesTransfer2/9/2006
IJ-000012Inventory Transfer JournalYesTransfer2/9/2006
After you use the
Inventory journals clean up
functionality, the InventJournalTrans table resembles the following table.
Journal identifierTransaction dateVoucherJournal type
This feature in Microsoft Dynamics AX is developed based on the idea to group item transactions for past and old postings and to free space on the related tables.

Notice In most countries in the world, companies must keep every single transaction in their system at least for a minimum of five years. This requirement means that we strongly recommend that you do not group any period that has not expired the mentioned minimum of five years.

When you group these transactions, you lose the possibility for any change on these transactions. Grouped transactions cannot be settled, adjusted, or deleted. You must be 100 percent sure that you will not change anything on the transactions. Until then, we highly recommend that you do not investigate this grouping functionality.

If your government does not have a similar requirement and if you are sure that all transactions can be archived by using this method, group transactions. However, when you do this, you cannot adjust the transactions later.

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Keywords: kb, kbentirenet, kbmbspartner, kbexpertiseinter, kbhowto, kbinfo, kbmbsmigrate, kbexpertisebeginner

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Article Info
Article ID : 947993
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 7/14/2012
Exists online : False
Views : 956