To resolve this problem, use one of the following methods.
Method 1: Install the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector for SQL Server Reporting Services on a server that is running SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
To install the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector for SQL Server Reporting Services, you must run the installation on a server that is running SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services.
Method 2: Modify the Install-config.xml file
Use this method to install the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector for SQL Server Reporting Services on a named instance. Additionally, use this method if the Reporting Services installation uses a nondefault Web site.
Modify the Install-config.xml file. Then, run the SetupSrsDataConnector command. To do this, follow these steps:
- Copy all the files in the SrsDataConnector folder on the installation CD to a folder on drive C. For example, copy the files to the following folder:
Note The SrsDataConnector folder is located in the following folder on the installation CD: drive:\Server\i386
The drive placeholder represents the CD drive. - Locate the folder in which you copied the installation files. Right-click the Install-config.xml file, and then open the file in Notepad.
- Add the following information to the Install-config.xml file:
- The reportserverurl tags
- The URL for the server that is running SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
For example, if the server that is running Reporting Services has a named instance of Titan, the reportserverurl tags resemble the following example.<reportserverurl>http://servername/Reportserver$Titan</reportserverurl>
- If the server that is running SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services has a named instance, modify the instancename tags.
For example, if the server that is running Reporting Services has a named instance of Titan, the instancename tags resemble the following example. <instancename>Titan</instancename>
- After you complete steps 3 and 4, click Save on the File menu, and then close the Install-config.xml file. The Install-config.xml file should resemble the following example.
<!-- Set enabled = true for DB webstore integration. Set configdb="true" for config db webstore integration-->
<webstore enabled="false" configdb="false" />
<!-- Monitoring service account name and password. It can not be local system or network service account -->
- Open a Command Prompt window, and then locate the folder in which you copied the installation files in step 1.
- At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
C:\SrsDataConnector> SetupSrsDataConnector /CONFIG path of the folder that contains the Install-config.xml file\install-config.xml