To work around this problem, determine the return code in the Svcpack.log file, and then follow the steps that are appropriate for your situation.
The return code is 2
Assign the TEMP variable and the TMP variable to a valid directory. Make sure that you do not assign these variables to a virtual directory. For example, if Windows is installed on the local drive C in the WINDOWS directory, add the following lines in the Autoexec.bat file:
The return code is 3
- Rebuild the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Repository.
- Use the WMI MOF compiler (mofcomp.exe) to compile an MOF file. To do this, type the following command at the command prompt, and then press ENTER:
- Run the Setup program for the Windows Server 2003 SP1.
The return code is 128
- Click OK to the error message, and then restart the computer.
- Copy the WinDir\System32\Oleaut32.dll file to the WinDir\System32 folder.
- Run the Setup program for Windows Server 2003 SP1.
- After the installation is complete, do the following:
- When you are prompted to restart the computer, delete the Oleaut32.dll file from the WinDir\System32 folder. If you cannot delete the Oleaut32.dll file, go to step 4b.
- Rename the Oleaut32.dll file, and then delete the file after you restart the system.
For more information about how to rebuild the WMI Repository, visit the following TechNet Web site: