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Description of how payments from Accounts Receivable can update Project Controller through the Financial Transaction Transfer process in Microsoft Dynamics SL

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This article describes how payments from Accounts Receivable can update Project Controller through the Financial Transaction Transfer process in Microsoft Dynamics SL.

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A payment from Accounts Receivable can update Project Controller if the following conditions are true:
  • The payment is applied to a project-related invoice.
  • This invoice has a project ID at the document level of the invoice.
  • The Transfer AR Payments/Req Default Task check box is selected on the PC Options and Setup tab in the Project Controller Setup (PA.SET.00) screen.
  • The task in the Default Task for Sys Postings box is a valid task for the project ID that is selected at the document level of the invoice. The Default Task for Sys Postings box is on the PC Options and Setup tab in the Project Controller Setup (PA.SET.00) screen.
If these conditions are true, the following four postings can be made to Project Controller:
  • A posting can be made to the account category for the cash account that was used when you entered the Accounts Receivable payment. This is true if you selected an account category for the cash account.
  • A posting can be made to the account category for the customer's default Accounts Receivable account. You can select this default account in the Customer Maintenance (08.260.00) screen if the default account has an account category selected. If you do not select a default account, the Accounts Receivable account from the AR Setup (08.950.00) screen is used.
  • A posting can be made to the account category for the discount account if the customer used a discount. This is true if you selected an account category for this discount account.
  • If you override the default account number in the A/R Account box on the Account Override tab in the Invoice and Memo (08.010.00) screen, the account that you type will be used. This is true in the following versions:
    • Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 with the hotfix for issue 14319
    • Microsoft Dynamics SL 7.0 with the hotfix for issue 14292
    • Microsoft Dynamics SL 7.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
Note The project that is updated is the project that is selected at the document level of the invoice. Any projects that are used at the transaction level of the invoice are ignored. The task that is updated is the task in the Default Task for Sys Postings box.

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Keywords: kbexpertisebeginner, kbmbsmigrate, kbexpertiseinter, kbmbspartner, kbsurveynew, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 936174
Revision : 2
Created on : 2/2/2017
Published on : 2/3/2017
Exists online : False
Views : 352