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You cannot resize or reposition a WebBrowser control window in Windows Internet Explorer 7

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You cannot resize or reposition the WebBrowser control window in Windows Internet Explorer 7 when an application hosts a WebBrowser control. Additionally, the application may not receive the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING notification messages as expected. This behavior is a security enhancement in Internet Explorer 7.

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More information

This behavior occurs if the script on the WebBrowser control contains calls to any of the following methods:
  • window.moveTo
  • window.moveBy
  • window.resizeTo
  • window.resizeBy
A security change in Internet Explorer 7 prevents the WebBrowser control from spoofing the host application. Therefore, these methods do not work for applications that host the WebBrowser control.

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Keywords: KB934363, kbinfo, kbtshoot, kbwebbrowser

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Article Info
Article ID : 934363
Revision : 1
Created on : 4/18/2007
Published on : 4/18/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 409