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Availability of the Internet Explorer 7 Multilingual User Interface Pack and of the Internet Explorer 7 Language Interface Pack

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This article describes the availability of the Windows Internet Explorer 7 Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI) and of the Internet Explorer 7 Language Interface Pack (LIP).

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Internet Explorer 7 Multilingual User Interface Pack

The Internet Explorer 7 MUI is a set of language-specific resource files that can be added to the English version of Internet Explorer 7 and to the operating system MUI. The Internet Explorer 7 MUI was made available in February, 2007.

The Internet Explorer 7 MUI allows for the browser user interface (UI) language to be changed to any of the languages that are supported, according to the preferences of individual users. This lets large corporations use a single installation to roll out the same worldwide image. Local users can then select the UI language, or Group Policy can set the UI language for organizational units.

The Internet Explorer 7 MUI also lets different language users share the same workstation or lets roaming users take their localized UI from one workstation to another. For example, one user may want to see system menus, dialog boxes, and other text in Japanese. However, another user who logs on to the same system may prefer to see system menus, dialog boxes, and other text in French.

Internet Explorer 7 MUI system requirements

The Internet Explorer 7 MUI may only be installed on English versions of operating systems that have the following items installed:
  • An English version of Internet Explorer 7
  • An operating system MUI
Certain computers that are running Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition may also install the Internet Explorer 7 MUI if the OEM preinstalled the operating system MUI.

Internet Explorer 7 Language Interface Pack

The Internet Explorer 7 LIP is designed for regional markets that currently do not have local versions of Internet Explorer 7. The Internet Explorer 7 LIP can display many browser features that are used frequently in various languages. For example, the Internet Explorer 7 LIP provides a high-quality UI that is in the native language for emerging language markets such as Catalan, Lithuanian, and Thai.

The Internet Explorer 7 LIP is based on MUI technology. The Internet Explorer 7 LIP translates a reduced set of UI elements and provides approximately an 80 percent native language user experience. The Internet Explorer 7 LIP is installed on a licensed copy of Windows together with a fixed base language. The base language that is required depends on the Internet Explorer 7 LIP language that you want to use.

For more information about the Language Interface Pack program, visit the following Microsoft Web site:To download Internet Explorer 7 in one of the 24 fully-localized languages, visit the following Microsoft Web site: The Internet Explorer 7 LIP languages will be released beginning March, 2007.

Internet Explorer 7 LIP system requirements

The operating system LIP must be installed. To download the operating system LIP, visit the following Microsoft Web site:If the operating system UI is in Slovenian, you do not have to install a separate operating system LIP, and you can install the Slovenian Internet Explorer 7 LIP. Slovak and Slovenian Internet Explorer 7 LIPs are also supported on Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition.

If you have Microsoft Windows Starter Edition, and the system appears in the correct language, you are ready to install the Internet Explorer 7 LIP. If Microsoft Windows XP Starter Edition appears in English, you must first install the language pack from the CD that the OEM supplied before you install the Internet Explorer 7 LIP.

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Keywords: KB933702, kbhowto, kbexpertisebeginner

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Article Info
Article ID : 933702
Revision : 3
Created on : 3/16/2007
Published on : 3/16/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 464