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Web page content does not update as expected when you move the pointer into an inline frame in Internet Explorer 7

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Consider the following scenario. You view a Web page in Windows Internet Explorer 7. The Web page contains an inline frame that is created by using an <iframe> element. The content of the Web page changes when you move the pointer over a section of the Web page. For example, additional text appears. In this scenario, the Web page content may not be updated when you move the pointer again. For example, the additional text may continue to appear on the screen unexpectedly when you move the pointer over the inline frame.

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This issue occurs because of a code defect in the Mshtml.dll file.

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To resolve this problem, install the most current cumulative security updates for Internet Explorer. To install the most current updates, visit the following Microsoft Web site: Note This update was first included in security update 931768 (security bulletin MS07-027). For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
931768 MS07-027: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer

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Keywords: KB932537, kbprb, kbtshoot, kbframe, kbweb, kbdisplay

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Article Info
Article ID : 932537
Revision : 2
Created on : 2/3/2011
Published on : 2/3/2011
Exists online : False
Views : 419