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A list of all the command-line switches that you can use when you install Windows Internet Explorer 7

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This article describes all the command-line switches that you can use when you install Windows Internet Explorer 7. These include switches for Setup modes, for Setup options, and for restart options. These also include other miscellaneous switch options.

Note The following example shows the syntax for Internet Explorer 7 installation command-line switches:
PackageName.exe /switch
Note In this example, PackageName is the name of the Internet Explorer 7 installation package. A common package name is IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe.

Note In this previous example, /switch represents one or more command-line switches. For example, you can use two common command-line switches to install a common installation package by using the following command:
IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe /quiet /norestart

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Switches that you can use for Setup modes

  • /passive
    When you use the /passive switch, the installation occurs without any input from the user. Setup performs Windows Genuine Advantage validation. Unless you use the /passive switch together with the /update-no switch, all applicable updates are automatically downloaded and installed.
  • /quiet
    When you use the /quiet switch, the Setup user interface is not displayed. Setup performs Windows Genuine Advantage validation. Unless you use the /quiet switch together with the /update-no switch, all applicable updates are automatically downloaded and installed.

Switches that you can use for Setup options

  • /update-no
    When you use the /update-no switch, Setup does not automatically download and install any updates.
  • /no-default
    When you use the /no-default switch, Setup does not configure Internet Explorer to be the default browser.
  • /nobackup
    When you use the /nobackup switch, Setup does not back up the files that are needed to remove Internet Explorer 7.
    Note You cannot remove Internet Explorer 7 if you install Internet Explorer by using the /nobackup switch.

Switches that you can use for restart options

  • /norestart
    When you use the /norestart switch, the computer does not restart after you install Internet Explorer.
  • /forcerestart
    When you use the /forcerestart switch, the computer restarts after you install Internet Explorer.

Other miscellaneous switch options

  • /help
    When you use the /help switch, a list of command-line switches appears.
  • /log:path
    When you use the /log:path switch, Setup creates a log file in the location that you provide.
    Note In this example, path represents the location of the log file.

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For more information about Genuine Microsoft Software and the Windows Genuine Advantage validation process, visit the following Microsoft Web site: For more information about the Windows Genuine Advantage privacy statement, visit the following Microsoft Web site: For more information about updates that are downloaded and installed during Internet Explorer 7 installation, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
924568 Description of updates that you can install when you install Windows Internet Explorer 7

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Keywords: KB927677, kbexpertiseinter, kbinfo, kbhowto

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Article Info
Article ID : 927677
Revision : 2
Created on : 11/10/2006
Published on : 11/10/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 422