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Availability of Windows Internet Explorer 7

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Windows Internet Explorer 7 is now available. Internet Explorer 7 includes many improvements to reliability, compatibility, user features, and security.

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More information

System requirements

Internet Explorer 7 runs on any of the following operating systems:
  • Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
For a list of the minimum requirements that the computer must have to run Internet Explorer 7, visit the following Microsoft Web page:


For a list of Internet Explorer 7 features, visit the following Microsoft Web page:

Download information

To download Internet Explorer 7, visit the following Microsoft Web page: Users of pre-release versions of Internet Explorer 7 can also install Internet Explorer 7 as a high-priority update from Automatic Updates, from the Windows Update Web site, or from the Microsoft Update Web site.

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Keywords: KB926874, kbexpertisebeginner, atdownload, kbinfo

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Article Info
Article ID : 926874
Revision : 4
Created on : 10/19/2006
Published on : 10/19/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 477