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The template link changes back to the original URL after you relink an InfoPath 2007 form

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You have published a Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 form template on a subsite. If you change the URL of the subsite and then relink the form, the template link changes back to the original URL.

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To work around this issue, use one of the following methods.

Method 1
  1. From the All Documents view, click Form Library Settings or Document Library Settings in the Settings list.
  2. In the General Settings section, click Advanced Settings.
  3. In the Content Type section, select Yes to Allow management of content types?
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Content Types section, click the form content type or the other content type that you want to fix.
  6. In the Settings section, click Advanced Settings.
  7. On the List Content Type Advanced Settings page, update the document template URL to the correct URL.
  8. Click OK.
Method 2

Install the Server Upgrade and Migration tool for Microsoft Office InfoPath.

To download the 32-bit version of this tool, click the following Web site:
To download the 64-bit version of this tool, click the following Web site:

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More information

Steps to reproduce this problem

  1. Design a blank form template in InfoPath 2007.
  2. Publish the form template as a document library to a server that is running InfoPath Forms Services. Assume the form template is published to http://server/subsite1.

    Note server is the placeholder for the server that is running InfoPath Forms Services. subsite1 is the placeholder for the subsite name.
  3. Locate the library, complete a form, and then save the form back to the library as Form1.
  4. Return to the library, and then select Site Settings in the Site Actions list.
  5. In the Look and Feel column, click Title, description, and icon.
  6. In the Web Site Address section, change the URL name from http://server/subsite1 to http://server/subsite2.
  7. Return to the library, and then click Relink Documents in the View list.
  8. Open Form1 in InfoPath.
  9. Return to the library, and then refresh the page. In the Template Link column, the URL changes from http://server/subsite1/LibraryName/Forms/template.xsn to http://server/subsite2/LibraryName/Forms/template.xsn.

    Note LibraryName is the placeholder for the library where you publish the form template.
  10. Close Form1 in InfoPath.
  11. In the Relink column, click to select the check box to relink Form1.
  12. Click Relink Selected Documents. In the Template Link column, the URL now changes back to http://server/subsite1/LibraryName/Forms/template.xsn.

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Keywords: KB926263, kbprb, kbtshoot, kbexpertiseinter

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Article Info
Article ID : 926263
Revision : 3
Created on : 11/21/2006
Published on : 11/21/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 455