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Error message when you try to publish an InfoPath 2007 form template on a computer that is running Forms Server 2007: "InfoPath cannot find or cannot access the following Web server"

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On a computer that is running Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007, you try to publish a Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 form template to update a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services document library. When you do this, you receive the following error message:
InfoPath cannot find or cannot access the following Web server: http://servername

Make sure that the Web server is valid, that your proxy setting are correct, and that you have the necessary permissions to publish to this library.

If the server requires you to log on through the browser, log on there and select the option to remember your log on information, then try to publish again.
Note In this error message, servername is a placeholder for the server name.

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To work around this problem, publish the form template as a site content type. Additionally, add the form template to a document library that has the Allow management of content types option enabled. To enable the Allow management of content types option, follow these steps:
  1. Open the document library, click Settings, and then click Form Library Setting.
  2. Click Advanced settings.
  3. Under Allow management of content types, click Yes, and then click OK.

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Keywords: KB925431, kbtshoot, kbprb, kbexpertiseinter

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Article Info
Article ID : 925431
Revision : 3
Created on : 11/3/2006
Published on : 11/3/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 392