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Controls in a browser-compatible InfoPath 2007 form are incorrectly aligned when you publish the form to a server that is running Forms Server 2007

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Consider the following scenario:
  • In Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007, you create a browser-compatible form that contains controls.
  • You select all the controls together with other text in the form, and then press CTRL+right SHIFT to change the paragraph direction to right-to-left (RTL).
  • You publish the form to a server that is running Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007.
  • The server is configured to use the left-to-right (LTR) paragraph direction.
In this scenario, controls in the form are incorrectly aligned when you open the form in a Web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer. For example, one control is aligned with the left side of the form and the other controls are aligned with the right side of the form.

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This behavior occurs because of the way in which InfoPath 2007 is designed. When you select controls together with text and then press CTRL+right SHIFT to change the paragraph direction, InfoPath 2007 does not determine whether any of the controls should be configured to use the RTL paragraph direction. The HTML code that InfoPath 2007 generates contains a division around the control. This division is configured to use the RTL paragraph direction. However, the code does not have the RTL paragraph direction set on the individual controls.

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To work around this behavior, set the paragraph direction at the view level when you design browser-compatible forms in InfoPath 2007.

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This behavior is by design.

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More information

When you design an InfoPath 2007 form, you can configure the paragraph direction at the view level or at the control level. However, Forms Server 2007 applies only the view-level paragraph direction setting in an InfoPath 2007 form that you view by using a Web browser. The view-level paragraph direction setting overrides the control-level paragraph direction setting when you view the form in a Web browser. Additionally, the Form Locale setting in Forms Server 2007 affects how the form appears when you view the form in a Web browser.

If the view-level paragraph direction setting is RTL, all the controls in the view are aligned right to left in the form that is published to the server. You set control-level RTL on individual controls. However, the view-level setting overrides the control-level setting when you publish the form to the server.

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Keywords: KB922130, kbprb, kbtshoot, kbenv, kbexpertisebeginner

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Article Info
Article ID : 922130
Revision : 3
Created on : 11/3/2006
Published on : 11/3/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 392