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How to modify the "Direct Deposit Advice Slips" report so that only the last four digits of an employee's direct deposit account number are printed on the employee's direct deposit advice slip in Microsoft Dynamics SL

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The privacy laws in some U.S. states prohibit the printing of an employee's direct deposit account number on the employee's direct deposit advice slip. This article describes how to modify the Direct Deposit Advice Slips report in Microsoft Dynamics SL. You can modify this report so that only the last four digits of an employee's direct deposit account number are printed on the employee's direct deposit advice slip.

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To modify the Direct Deposit Advice Slips report so that only the last four digits of an employee's direct deposit account number are printed, follow these steps.

Note The following steps describe how to modify the "Laser Advice Slip by Employee ID" format of the Direct Deposit Advice Slips report. However, you can follow these steps to modify any format of the report.
  1. Start Crystal Reports 10 for Solomon.
  2. In the Welcome to Crystal Reports for Solomon dialog box, click Open an Existing Report, and then click OK.
  3. In the Open dialog box, locate the 02635.rpt file, click 02635.rpt, and then click Open.

    Note The 02635.rpt file is the standard Direct Deposit Advice Slips report. The report is located in the Solomon\PR folder. If the report was previously modified, it may be located in the Solomon\Usr_Rpts folder.
  4. When you receive the following message, click OK:
    This report could not be opened for writing. Any changes must be saved to a new file.
  5. On the Design tab, locate the Details D section.
  6. Right-click the @Col1Desc field, and then click Edit Formula.
  7. In the formula pane, replace the existing formula with the following formula.
    If {@MaskMode} Then
    If {@SuprCol1Direct} then
    if {PRCheckTran.Col1Descr}="Direct Deposit Distribution" or {PRCheckTran.Col1Descr}="" then
    left({@MaskText},len({PRCheckTran.Col1Descr})-4) + right({PRCheckTran.Col1Descr},4)
  8. Click Save and Close.
  9. On the File menu, click Save As.
  10. Locate the Usr_Rpts folder, click Usr_Rpts, and then click Save.
  11. Exit Crystal Reports 10 for Solomon.

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Keywords: kbexpertiseadvanced, kbmbspartner, kbmbsmigrate, kbhowto, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 921407
Revision : 2
Created on : 2/2/2017
Published on : 2/3/2017
Exists online : False
Views : 351