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Expert Zone Support WebCast: New Microsoft Windows Media Player 11 features and new Microsoft Windows Media Center features

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Session Summary
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

This Expert Zone Support WebCast discusses new Windows Media Player 11 features, such as media library sharing and instant search. This WebCast also discusses new Microsoft Windows Media Center features, such as CableCard support and movies on TV.

This is a Level 200 session presented by
Justin Harrison.

Justin Harrison is a regular columnist for the Expert Zone. He is a director of Asteract Studios Limited. Justin has worked for GE Energy. He occasionally works with the Casual Games team at Microsoft.

Viewing the Presentation
View this On-demand Recording View this On-demand Recording.(Length: 1 hour )

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Podcasting/Mobile Resources

Audio-Only - WMA Audio-Only Stream (.WMA format) - Click this link if you wish to listen to an audio-only version of this broadcast in WMA (Windows Media Audio) streaming format.

Audio-Only - MP3 Audio-Only Stream (.MP3 format) - Click this link if you wish to listen to an audio-only version of this broadcast in MP3 (MPEG Audio) format.

Additional Resources

PPT Download the presentation - This is a Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) file.
If you do not have PowerPoint and you want a copy of the slides, use the
PowerPoint Viewer (1,911 KB).

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Transcript A full written transcript will be made available within three weeks of the live broadcast.
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Article Info
Article ID : 919103
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 5/31/2013
Exists online : False
Views : 346