When you open a contact form in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0, the URL in the contact form does not appear as a hyperlink. Instead, the URL appears as text.
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This problem occurs because the schema definition for the URL field in the contact form is incorrect. A URL schema field in the contact form should have the nvarchar type and the URL format. Instead, the URL schema field has the nvarchar type and the text format.
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To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
- Create a new URL schema field. To do this, follow these steps:
- Log on to Microsoft Dynamics CRM as an administrator.
- Click Settings, click Customization, click Customize Entities, and then double-click Contact.
- In the Entity:Contact dialog box, click Attributes, and then click New.
- In the Attribute: New for Contact dialog box, type weburl in the Display Name box, click URL in the Format list, and then type 200 in the Maximum Length box.
- Click Save and Close.
- Add the field to the main form, and then publish the changes. To do this, follow these steps:
- Click Settings, click Customization, click Customize Entities, and then double-click Contact.
- In the Entity:Contact dialog box, click Forms and Views.
- On the More Actions menu, click Form, and then click Edit.
- In the Common Tasks area, click Add Fields.
- In the Add Fields dialog box, click weburl, click OK, and then click Save and Close.
- In the Entity:Contact dialog box, click Publish on the Actions menu.
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