To enable the Service Calendar functionality in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook, follow these steps:
- Open the Microsoft CRM Web client as a user who has either the System Administrator or the System Customizer role.
- Click Settings, click Customization, click Export Customizations, and then highlight Site Map.
- On the More Actions menu, click Export Selected Customizations, and then click OK.
- Click Save, type a name for the file, click Save, and then click Close.
- Make a backup of the site map file that you saved.
- Start Notepad. Open the site map file that you saved. Then locate the two instances of the following sentence in the file.
<SubArea Id="nav_apptbook" ResourceId="Homepage_AppointmentBook" Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_servicecal.gif" Url="/sm/home_apptbook.aspx" Client="Web">
- Replace both sentences by using the following sentence.
<SubArea Id="nav_apptbook" ResourceId="Homepage_AppointmentBook" Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_servicecal.gif" Url="/sm/home_apptbook.aspx" Client="Web,OutlookWorkstationClient">
Note In this step, you are changing the Client="Web" parameter to Client="Web,OutlookWorkstationClient".
- Click File. Then click Save.
- Start Microsoft CRM as a user who has either the System Administrator or the System Customizer role.
- Click Settings, click Customization, and then click Import Customizations.
- Click Browse, select the modified file in the Choose file dialog box, click Open, and then click Upload.
- Click Import All Customizations. Then, click OK.