Consider the following scenario. On a server that is running Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2), you create the MSExchange.UceContentFilter.xml file to enable the custom word list feature in Microsoft Exchange Intelligent Message Filter version 2. Additionally, you save the MSExchange.UceContentFilter.xml file in the
Drive_letter:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin\MSCFV2 folder. Note that
Drive_letter:\Program Files\Exchsrvr is the folder in which Exchange Server 2003 is installed. Then, you register the MSExchange.UceContentFilter.dll file. After you register the MSExchange.UceContentFilter.dll file, Intelligent Message Filter version 2 does not work. Additionally, an event that is similar to the following is logged in the Application log:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSExchangeTransport
Event Category: SMTP Protocol
Event ID: 7514
Date: Date
Time: Time
User: N/A
Computer: Computer_Name
An error occurred while loading Microsoft Exchange Intelligent Message Filter. The error code is 0x80004005.