Some hardware manufacturers offer network adaptors and accompanying drivers that provide fault tolerance. This technology lets you group the network adaptor ports for a connection to a single physical segment. If connectivity through one port does not work, another port automatically opens. This operation is transparent to the operating system and to other devices on the network.
The hardware manufacturer is responsible for supporting fault-tolerant hardware and drivers. Many hardware manufacturers have updated drivers to provide fault tolerance. However, if problems occur that seem to be related to network adaptor teaming, Microsoft Product Support Services may require that you disable teaming while the problem is investigated. If the problem is solved after you disable teaming, contact the hardware manufacturer. Then, update the computer to use the latest available drivers and agents.
For more information about how to use teaming adaptors, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Using teaming adaptors with network load balancing may cause network problems
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