You try to install Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2004 on a Microsoft Windows 2003-based domain controller. The domain controller resides in a Microsoft Windows 2000 domain. In this scenario, you may receive the following error message:
Setup failed while creating the services configuration.
Additionally, the following error message may be logged in the ISA Server Firewall service setup log file:
ISA setup CA INFO : ENTRY: <Time> ConfigureServices, Current user is <Domainname>\Administrator
ISA setup CA ERROR : the function NetLocalGroupAddMembers failed with status = 8ac at the function AddNetSvcToNetCfgOp.
Note The path of this log file is %windir%\Temp\ISAFWSV_
LogNumber.log. This log file may not state that the Firewall service is successfully installed. The error message that is logged in this log file indicates that the Network Configuration Operators group is not found on the computer. A successful installation generates the following message in the log file: