Issues that are fixed in this rollup package
The following issues are fixed in this rollup package. These issues were not documented in an earlier Microsoft Knowledge Base article.- When the COM+ Server application calls the Library application, and an exception error occurs, the COM+ Server application does not produce a stack dump file in Windows Server 2003.
- The COM+ root component continues to make method calls to the secondary component after the secondary component has aborted the transaction. When this issue occurs, the following message is logged in the Application log:
You made a method call on a COM+ component that has a transaction that has already aborted or in the process of aborting.
- An endless loop in the comsvcs!CEventDispatcher::RemoveEventBuffer function causes the W3WP.exe process to stop responding.
- When you install the Oracle FailSafe service, the service replaces the default access permission of the self account in DCOM with the user account permissions that you used to install the Oracle FailSafe service.
- When Microsoft SQL Server becomes available online before Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) is online in an Active / Active Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) cluster environment, you may receive an error message that is similar to the following: Failed to obtain TransactionDispenserInterface: XACT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE.
- The Dcomcnfg.exe utility incorrectly reports that network access is enabled on a Cluster service.
- When the Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) service is unavailable, you cannot access the properties of an individual COM component to configure the security for that component. For example, the DTC service may be unavailable because the startup type of the service is set to Disabled.
- The COM+ Application service fails at startup after a computer restarts. This issue occurs when the service is configured for automatic startup.
- The CImpIXaTransaction::TerminateYourSelf function fills the DTCInstall.log file with trace statements. This issue may cause other issues when free hard disk space has decreased.
- The MSDTC.exe process crashes when you run out of log space. When this issue occurs, a message that is similar to the following is logged in the event log:
1) MS DTC Transaction Manager log write failed with error 0x8.
2) An MS DTC component has generated an exception. Error Specifics: The process 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\msdtc.exe' hit an exception in a MSDTC related component. - The COM:CStdMarshal::MarshalInterface function does not write a custom object reference to a stream when you choose wrapper marshaling.
- The COM+ replication utility (COMREPL) does not synchronize the source computer with the destination computer when a COM+ Proxy application is installed on the source computer.
- Earlier access violations in the user's code cause the DoThreadSpecificCleanup function to indefinitely call the CoUninitialize function.
- This rollup package adds the COMBND_SERVER_LOCALITY option for the IRpcOptions::Query garbage collection method.
- When the MSDTC service is disabled, the Setup process for the hotfix that is discussed in Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article 823230 stops responding during a call to the DtcGetTransactionManagerEx function.
For more information about KB823230, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
823230 Issues that are resolved in the pre-Service Pack 1 release of Ntfrs.exe
- When the CoEnterServiceDomain function is called from the context of an aborted transaction, an unrecoverable inconsistent state in the Services Without Components (SWC) infrastructure occurs. Additionally, the CoLeaveServiceDomain function will continue to fail with a CONTEXT_E_NOCONTEXT error.
- When you use the Data Transformation Service (DTS) to transfer data between SQL Server and Oracle Database, MSDTC crashes.
- When a deleted client set object remains in the list that the rpcss!gpClientSetLocalPList function maintains, an access violation occurs on this deleted memory.
- After you apply the security update that is discussed in KB article 873333, the OleGetClipboardData function returns null for OLE objects. Also, clipboard operations do not function correctly.
For more information about KB873333, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
873333 MS05-012: Vulnerability in OLE and COM could allow remote code execution