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"Common UI elements not found" error message when you try to install Windows Services for UNIX on a computer that is running Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1

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When you try to install Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 or Windows Services for UNIX 3.0 on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), you may receive the following error message:
Common UI elements not found.

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This issue occurs because of a problem in the Windows Services for UNIX installation program.

Note This issue does not occur in the current version of Windows Services for UNIX 3.5.

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To resolve this issue if you are running Windows Services for UNIX 3.5, obtain a new copy of Windows Services for UNIX 3.5. To do this, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

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To work around this issue, follow these steps:
  1. Copy the Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 or Windows Services for UNIX 3.0 installation files to a folder on your hard disk.
  2. In the installation folder where you copied the Windows Services for UNIX installation files, open the Manage\Provreg.mof file by using a text editor such as Notepad.
  3. Insert the line Hostingmodel = "localservicehost"; under the following area in this file:
    instance of __Win32Provider as $P
        Name    = "RegProv" ;
        ClsId   = "{fe9af5c0-d3b6-11ce-a5b6-00aa00680c3f}" ;
        ImpersonationLevel = 1;
        PerUserInitialization = TRUE;
    Note After you insert this line, the instance of __Win32Provider as $P area of this file appears as follows:
    instance of __Win32Provider as $P
        Name    = "RegProv" ;
        ClsId   = "{fe9af5c0-d3b6-11ce-a5b6-00aa00680c3f}" ;
        ImpersonationLevel = 1;
        PerUserInitialization = TRUE;
        Hostingmodel = "localservicehost";
  4. Save the changes to the Provreg.mof file, and then install Windows Services for UNIX by using the installation files on the hard disk.
Note After you follow these steps, you cannot use these modified installation files to install Windows Services for UNIX on a Microsoft Windows 2000-based computer.

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More information

For additional information about Windows Services for UNIX 3.5, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

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Keywords: KB891769, kbprb, kbtshoot, kberrmsg

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Article Info
Article ID : 891769
Revision : 7
Created on : 3/14/2007
Published on : 3/14/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 489