Additionally, events that resemble the following events are logged in the Application log:
Event ID: 14079
Type: Error
Source: Microsoft ISA Server Control
Due to an unexpected error, the service w3proxy stopped responding to all requests. This occurred 1 time(s) in the past 2:59 hours. Try to stop the service or kill the corresponding process if it does not respond, and start it again. Check the Event Viewer for related error messages.
Event ID: 14176
Type: Error
Source: Microsoft Web Proxy
Disk cache Drive:\urlcache\Dir1.cdat failed to initialize. Some errors were encountered when ISA Server restored specific data cache files. ISA Server will now attempt to recover these files. These errors may have occurred because there was not enough time to complete all necessary shutdown operations, when ISA Server was previously shut down. To avoid this in the future, you can increase the value of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\WaitToKillServiceTimeout registry key. Identify the reason for cache failure by examining previous recorded events, or the error code. The error code in the Data area of the event properties indicates the cause of the failure (internal code: 503.6333.3.0.1200.166).
Event ID: 5
Type: Error
Source: Microsoft Web Proxy
The Microsoft Web Proxy failed to log information to file FileName.log in path
Drive:\ISALOGS. The data is the error code. For more information about this event, see ISA Server Help.