To work around this issue, modify your query filter to
return the results in sections of 10,000 records. For example, to modify the
sample query that is described in the "Symptoms" section so that it returns
results from the start time that you defined in the query, configure an upper
range in the query. Specifically, configure the query so that it is similar to
the query in the following table.
Collapse this tableExpand this table
Filter by | Condition | Value |
Log Time | On or After | 2003.12.11 20:35:49 |
Log Time | On or Before | 2003.12.11
21:35:49 |
Client IP | Equals | |
Because a single query can return a maximum of 10,000 results,
you must modify the filtering options in your query to limit the query to
10,000 or fewer returned results. To modify a query filter, follow these steps:
- Start the ISA Server Management tool. To do this, click
Start, point to All Programs, point to
Microsoft ISA Server, and then click ISA Server
- Expand
ServerName, where
ServerName is the name of your ISA Server computer,
and then click Monitoring.
- Click the Logging tab, and then on the
Tasks tab in the right pane, click Edit
- Click the items in the Filter by list, in
the Condition list, and in the Value list to
modify the query filter.
- When you are finished modifying your query filter, click
Add To List.
Note If you modify an entry that is currently listed in the query
filter, click Update instead of Add To