I would like my line item comments entered on my Sales Order to print on the SOP Purchase Orders Generation Report. Is this possible?
Yes, follow these instructions to add the Sales Line Item Comments to the SOP Purchase Order Generation Report:
Create First Table Relationships:
1. In Report Writer (Tools | Customize | Report Writer), choose the Tables icon from the top menu bar.
2. In the Tables window, SOP_POGenSOLine and choose the Open button.
3. In the Table Definition window, choose the Relationships button.
4. Then choose the New button.
5. Click on the Ellipse button to the right of the Secondary Table Line. (The button with three periods.)
6. Select the Sales Transaction Amounts Work and click OK.
7. For the Secondary Table Key select: Key 1
Match the appropriate fields:
SOP Number = SOP Number
SOP Type = SOP Type
Component Sequence = Component Sequence
Line Item Sequence = Line Item Sequence
8. Choose OK.
9. Close the Table Relationships window by clicking on the X in the upper right corner of that window.
10. Click OK.
11. Close the Tables window by clicking on the X in the upper right corner of that window.
Open the Report:
1. In Report Writer, click on the Reports icon from the top menu bar.
2. From the Original Reports side, select the SOP Purchase Orders Generation report and click on Insert.
3. Then on the Modified Reports side, select the same report and choose the Open button.
4. In the Report Definition window, choose the Tables button.
5. In the Report Table Relationships window, select the SOP-POP Generation SO Line File and choose the New button.
6. Select the Sales Transaction Amounts Work and choose the OK button.
7. In the Report Table Relationships window, select the Sales Transaction Amounts Work and choose the New button.
8. Select the Sales Line Comment Work and History and choose the OK button.
9. Select the Close button.
Report Layout
1. Click on the Layout button.
2. In the Report Layout, select the Sales Line Comment Work and History table from the drop down in the Toolbox.
3. Drag the Comment Text Field into the H3 section of the report. You may have to drag the section down to make it larger.
4. Save the report.
5. Grant security to the report in Setup | System | Security, for the users and companies that need to be able to generate the report.
This article was TechKnowledge Document ID:34490