The new Hijri calendar table which is implemented in "Um Al Cora" Hijri calendar, is not available in Windows or Office, but the user can use the Advanced Hijri date setting to adjust the Hijri date.
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Hijri calendar is available only when System Locale and User Locale are set to Arabic.
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Adjust Hijri date in Windows XP and Windows 2003:
- From "Control Panel' , select 'Regional and Language Options'
- In 'General' tab press on 'Customize' button
- In the Date tab, ensure that Hijri date is selected (you can select Hijri calendar from 'Calendar type' drop down list)
- From 'Adjust Hijri date to' you can adjust the Hijri date by adding or removing one or 2 days from the current Hijri date
How to set the language for the system and user local:- Log as Administrator to your computer
- From Start open 'Control Panel'
- From the left task pane press on the 'Switch to Classic view' to find the 'Regional and language options' icon , then double click on this icon.
- From the 'Languages' tab, make sure you check on the 'Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages (including Thai)', then press 'Apply' button to make the language appear on the other list boxes.
- From the 'Regional options' tab, you can set the User Local settings, by choosing the correct choice for the following setting
- Select your Language/Country from 'Standards and formats' (e.g. Arabic (Saudi Arabia)).
- From the Location list box, select your locale country (e.g. Saudi Arabia)
- From the 'Advanced' tab, select the 'Language for non-Unicode programs' which will be default for your operating system. For example if you choose Arabic, so this setting will force ANSI application to display Arabic text correctly.
- Make sure to check the "Default user account settings" check box and press 'OK' button then reboot your computer.
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