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Posting Journals not including Multicurrency information

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When I print my posting journals, I do not see Multicurrency information. Is there a setup procedure that I may have missed?


If the user has chosen not to Include MC Info in the Posting Setup window, the existing Receivables Management posting journals will be printed. If there is a multicurrency type error that causes the transaction not to post (e.g. exchange rate has expired), a generic message like "A multicurrency error occurred, the transaction will not post" will appear on the posting journal or edit list. In order to find out what the specific problem is, the user will have to mark to Include MC Info in the Posting Setup window.

This article was TechKnowledge Document ID: 885

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Keywords: kb, kbnosurvey, kbinfo, kbMBSMigrate, kbMBSPartner, BemisKB866677

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Article Info
Article ID : 866677
Revision : 1
Created on : 3/10/2017
Published on : 3/10/2017
Exists online : False
Views : 539