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National Accounts Inquiry

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I'm using National Accounts. I was wondering if there is an inquiry window that will list the Parent and Child Customer's outstanding credit documents?


There is an inquiry window under Inquiry - Sales - National Accounts that will list this information. It you don't see National Accounts under the Sales Inquiry palette, you need to revert the palette. Go under Setup - Company - Palettes and select Sales Inquiry under palettes. Then select the Revert button. You will then be able to see the National Accounts inquiry window.

This article was TechKnowledge Document ID: 5778

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Keywords: kb, kbinfo, kbMBSPartner, kbMBSMigrate, BemisKB865616

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Article Info
Article ID : 865616
Revision : 1
Created on : 3/1/2017
Published on : 3/1/2017
Exists online : False
Views : 502